
Dynisco Cloud Connect Edge Device: LMI4004

Dynisco Cloud Connect Edge Device: LMI4004

Integrate and aggregate data from existing Dynisco products such as our LMI5000 series melt flow indexer via the Dynisco Edge Device.

With the Edge Device you have a single board computer that helps you better understand:

  • Control strategies that adjust the process to improvematerial quality
  • Material verification at each stage of the process using correlations
  • Variations in the properties of plastic that affect product quality
  • Environmental conditions that lead to variations in test or production process
  • Production Benefits:
    •  One place to store, manage and correlate all rheological and sensing data
    •  Ability to export instruments data into easily managed excel format
    •  Improved labor/equipment utilization metrics across lines and/or facilities
    •  Predictive maintenance
    •  24/7 lot to lot production correlation to lab measurements

    Systematic Benefits:

    • Backward compatible to Dynisco legacy products
    • Ability to conduct Round Robins between facilities and production lines
    • Compares results from:
      • Lab to lab
      • Machine to machine
      • Operator to operator


How Dynisco is Remolding the Plastics Industry Podcast

In this episode, Microsoft’s podcast hosts Deb Oberly and Dani Diaz talk with John Biagioni, President of Dynisco, who is bringing our vision of “rheology to the masses” to fruition with trailblazing cloud solutions for the plastics industry. Learn about the details of our industry and company, the surprises and insights of our journey crafting their IoT solutions, the immense value of the data we are collecting and our deliberate approach for continued success in this space.

Product Videos

Dynisco IoT Cloud Connect: There For You 24/7 When You Can’t Be

We are living in rapidly changing times. The entire world is working differently then we ever have in the history of manufacturing. Learn how the Dynisco IoT Cloud Connect can help processors manage and monitor their production lines remotely