PolyClean 6L
The PolyClean 6” Fluidized Temperature Bath can be used to clean small tooling from Laboratory Extruders or Injection molding machines, Capillary Rheometer and Melt Flow Indexer dies or other small components used in polymer testing or small part production. Unlike other Fluidized baths, the PolyClean 6L has a smaller footprint, include advanced features and are safer than salt baths.
- Fully automate fluidizing air control
- Compact working volume
- Cover and lid design that minimize media loss
- Independent over-temperature limit protection
- Fast heat up
- Small footprint for placement on standard lab benches
- RS485 interface for PC connection & downloadable
- Windows software
- Excellent stability, uniformity & accuracy
Certifications | Approvals
From breakthrough technology in the industry’s most complete line of sensors to renowned quality and performance in indicators, controls, and analytical instruments Dynisco has demonstrated the skill, experience and know-how that not only deliver the right solution for your unique application, but also provide unparalleled customer support.